Administrative Plugins
1. Stats – Installing this stats plugin is much like installing Akismet, all you need is to put in your API Key and the rest is automatic. Once it’s running it’ll begin collecting information about your pageviews, which posts and pages are the most popular, where your traffic is coming from, and what people click on when they leave. It’ll also add a link to your dashboard which allows you to see all your stats on a single page. Less is more.
2. Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu – The lazy and the productive will love it : all admin links available in a neat CSS driven drop down menu. No need to click on “Manage” then “Pages” to edit pages, go to any admin page from any admin page. Demo Page
3. WordPress Automatic upgrade – Plugin allows a user to automatically upgrade the WordPress installation to the latest one provided by using the 5 steps provided in the WordPress upgrade instructions.
4. Redirection – It is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old site, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.
5. AJAXed WordPress – This is an extremely powerful plugin that harnesses the power of AJAX and WordPress to improve the user experience, the administration capabilities and the design potential of any WordPress based blog.
6. PageMash – Customize the order your pages are listed in and manage the parent structure with this simple Ajax drag-and-drop administrative interface with an option to toggle the page to be hidden from output. Great tool to quickly re-arrange your page menus.
7. 404 Notifier – This plugin logs 404 hits on your WordPress powered site and will notify you of them via e-mail or in an RSS feed.
8. MyFTP WordPress Plugin – File management Plugin for WordPress that enables a blog administrator to (much like an FTP client) navigate folders and files on the server where their WordPress installation is hosted. The administrator can then edit, delete or upload files on the fly from within the WordPress administration panel. It is also possible to create new folders and upload complete directory structures.
9. Advanced Category Excluder – This plugin was born because there was a no other real alternative to enable CMS like functionality in WordPress. The main goal was, to enhance WordPress’s functionalities, to hide some unwanted categories, from defined parts of the blog.
10. The Google Analytics for WordPress - Plugin automatically tracks and segments all outbound links from within posts, comment author links, links within comments, blogroll links and downloads. It also allows you to track Adsense clicks, add extra search engines, track image search queries and it will even work together with Urchin.
11. Clean Options – Plugin for cleaning up Your blog, after installing and removing plugins.
12. Admin Favicon – Simple favicon manager, letting You just add link to Your image You want to be favicon – and that’s it. Use it happily ever after.
13. Lighter Menus - Creates drop-down menus instead of the regular admin menus of the WordPress interface, so that you can browse items with one click and work at your blog in a much more usable environment.Fast to load, adaptable to color schemes, Lighter Menus comes with silk icons by famfamfam, a option page, and a design that fits within the WordPress interface taking the less room possible.
14. Better Comments Manager – is an extension of the default WordPress comments manager. Really useful extension with two great features added to default WordPress manager – reply to comment from within WordPress Admin Panel and You can view all comments based by posts – very handy!
15. Plugin Manager – Lets you to view, download and install plugins from from an AJAX’ed interface, instead of manually downloading, extracting and uploading each plugin.
16. WP Admin Bar – An indispensable WordPress plugin which displays links to the Administration Panel at the top of a blog’s page – but only for users who are logged in and have permission to view the given functions.
17. Fluency Admin – Another interface for WordPress, choose between Ozh’ Admin interface plugin or this.
18. Broken Link Checker – This plugin is will monitor your blog looking for broken links and let you know if any are found, with many small features.
19. TinyMCE Advanced – This handy little plugin adds 40 extra buttons & options to the toolbar, which is now two rows plus one hidden row. When You get used to it becomes really handy to use. Check out all of plugin’s features in their site.
20. AJAX CSS Switcher – This WordPress Plugin allows you to add CSS switching to your theme without any reload. It also stores the users selection for future visits. This plugin uses UDASS The Unobtrusive Degradable Ajax Style Sheet Switcher. So if You want to add Your WordPress different color schemes and visual looks, just use this plugin.
21. Manageable – A WordPress plugin that allows for inline editing of the date, title, author, categories, tags, status and more on both posts and pages without leaving the “Manage” admin sections. No need to load each post or page individually. Simply double-click anywhere in the post or page row and when you’re done, press enter. Alternately, you can click the link in the new “Edit” column.
22. Search Regex – Adds a powerful set of search and replace functions to WordPress. These go beyond the standard searching capabilities, and allow you to search and replace almost any data stored on your site. In addition to simple searches you have the full power of PHP’s regular expressions at your disposal. Why would you want this? The primary reason for the plugin was to aid in relocating directories. It’s a real pain to manually go through every post and change image directory names. With this plugin all that was required was a simple search and replace pattern, and the job was finished in a few seconds.
23. Dashboard Editor – This plugin allows you to add whatever you want to the WordPress dashboard through PHP and HTML even Sidebar Widgets. You can also wipe the entire dashboard or individually remove some of the more irritating sections like the Dev news, Planet WordPress and the getting started section.
24. Advanced Category Excluder – This plugin was born because there was a no other real alternative to enable CMS like functionality in WordPress. The main goal was, to enhance WordPress’s functionalities, to hide some unwanted categories, from defined parts of the blog. Also if You use Featured Slideshow gallery, useful to hide Slideshow category.
Post Related Plugins
25. Similar Posts – This plugin displays a list of posts which are related or similar to the current post.
26. Code Markup – this is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to include program code samples in your posts. You can even include HTML markup in the code sample; Code Markup magically knows which characters should be displayed as code and which should be rendered as HTML.
27. Popularity Contest – This plugin will help you see which of your posts are most popular. Views, comments, etc. are tracked and given configurable point values to determine popularity.
28. WP Email – Allows people to recommend/send your WordPress blog’s post/page to a friend.
29. WP Since Last Visit – Shows the number of new posts and comments (including indicators showing what posts and comments are new) since a visitor last came to your blog.
30. WP Page Navi – Adds a more advanced paging navigation your WordPress blog. Must have!
31. WP Print – Displays a printable version of your WordPress blog’s post/page, so people could print just Your post without advertisements and sidebars.
32. WP Post Rating – Adds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress blog’s post/page.
33. WP Sticky – Adds a sticky post feature to your WordPress’s blog, handy to stick featured post or just put there information so new visitors could know what Your site is about.
34. WP PostViews – Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.
35. Random Redirect – Allows you to create a link to which will redirect someone to a random post on your blog, in a StumbleUpon-like fashion.
36. ExecPHP – Plugin executes
<?php ?>
code in your posts, pages and text widgets.Tag Plugins
37. Ultimate Tag Warrior – allows you to add tags either through the Write Post page in WordPress in a tag box, on posts using an AJAXy box, and in posts using special syntax from external editors (or internally, if you’d like). From the write post page, you can also get suggestions for tags using the Yahoo! keyword suggestion service.Once you’ve got your tags entered; you enter a realm of interesting ways of doing things with your tags. At the complicated end, AJAXy search is included with the download (it may need some customization to match your theme). At the simpler end, you can automatically have tags included at the top and bottom of your posts without making changes to themes.
38. WP Cumulus – it allows you to display your site’s tags, categories or both using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more visually exciting.
39. Simple Tags – is the successor of Simple Tagging Plugin this is really good tool to manage perfect your WP 2.3 and 2.5 tags, with many features.
40. Category Cloud Widget – The Category Cloud Widget is a widget that displays your categories as a tag cloud in your sidebar.
41. Recommended Tags – really useful plugin with main feature recommending and displaying list of Your current tags to avoid similar tag duplication for example “plugin” or “plugins” – very useful.
42. Random Tags Cloud – Displays your tags by selecting randomly. Of course, you can customize other tag cloud’s settings.
Comment Related Plugins
43. Subscribe to Comments – this is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts, block all notifications, or even change their notification e-mail address!
44. Delink Comment Author – This plugin gives you the ability to remove the link a commenter left as their URL without removing the entire comment. A link to do this is added to your new comment e-mail notifications and to the comments list in your admin area.
45. Old Post Alert – This plugin shows a “this is old” banner in the comments form when a post is more than a month old. It may help cut down on irrelevant comments on old posts.
46. NoFollow Free – Removes the “nofollow” attribute from your wordpress blog’s comments (precisely from the author’s links) and/or from the comments text links and it inserts (if you want) an image band at the top of your pages with the phrase: “NOFOLLOW FREE”. It’s useful to encourage people to comment Your posts.
47. Comment Relish – WordPress plugin developed to send an e-mail message to users who comment on your website who have never commented before. The message dispatched to the user is defined within the plugin’s preferences. Numerous tags have been integrated to allow for information to be included in the message easily (I.E.: timestamp, author name, comment, etc.).
48. WP Grins – Plugin will provide clickable smilies for both the post form in the admin interface and the comments form of your blog.
49. wp-chunk – WordPress plugin to gracefully shorten URLs within submitted comments. It does not affect urls within posts, just comments.
50. CommentLuv – Pass a bit of luv onto your commenters by providing a titled link to their last blog post. This plugin attempts to parse the feed of the comment author by visiting their site and looking for their feed while they type their comment and appends it once they submit. Now this plugin has been used almost in every single blog.
51. Filosofo’s WordPress Gravatar Plugin – Gravatar already provides a simple WordPress plugin, but it suffers from a common plugin problem: if you add its “gravatar” function to your comments template, you either have to wrap it in a function_exists check, or you’ll get a fatal error when you deactivate the plugin.This gravatar plugin lets you use WordPress’s action hook callback system, so it just disappears when the plugin is deactivated. If You don’t know about gravatars, check out their homepage in order to register and use it for Yourself.
52. WP Ajax Edit Comments – Allows users and admins alike to edit comments on a post. Users can edit their own comments for a period specified by the admin, and admins can edit all post comments. What could be a better way to show reader appreciation than letting the readers edit their own comments?
53. Intouch – Plugin for WordPress which allows you to insert a custom build contact form, which on submission will send the information via email, also filters spams greatly.
54. Paginated Comments – handy plugin, breaking Your comments into many parts - If You have a ton of comments, many that include graphics and displaying 500 comments along with the post would create one of the slowest loading pages on the net!
55. Live Comment Preview – The simplest way to get live comment previews on your site. This plugin uses only client-side JavaScript to format a preview, it does not make any Ajax requests to the server. This provides a smooth live preview as you type.
56. Akismet – awesome plugin that checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it catches under your blog’s “Comments” admin screen. Really must have and use plugin – even included in default installation.
57. WP-reCAPTCHA – Instead of randomly generating useless characters which users grow tired of continuously typing in, risking the possibility that spammers will eventually write sophisticated spam bots which use OCR libraries to read the characters, reCAPTCHA uses a different approach. Very popular plugin – try this out.
58. WP-SpamFree – An extremely powerful anti-spam plugin for WordPress that virtually eliminates comment spam, including trackback and pingback spam. Finally, you can enjoy a spam-free WordPress blog! Includes spam-free contact form feature as well.
59. Challenge – It is a WordPress plugin based on and improved over Steve Herod’s “Did you pass math?” plugin, Challenge restricts comment spam by throwing the commenter a challenge.
60. JSSpamBlock – This is an effective way to reduce comment spam without your commenters even knowing. Users without JavaScript can prove their identity by simply entering a given number. In browsers without JavaScript, the user is simply asked to enter a number to prove they are human.
61. Did You Pass Math? – Asks a simple math question to ensure that the person at the other end is a person and not a spamming robot, hopefully the real reader did actually pass his maths test.
62. Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam Image Plugin – great antispam plugin, asking visitor to enter random word to prove, he is human.
Social Bookmarking Service Plugins
63. Sociable – Automatically add links on your posts to popular social bookmarking sites like Facebook, Mixx, StumbleUpon, Digg and many many others.
64. ShareThis – Plugin provides a quick, simple to use, and unobtrusive way for users to add your post to many social bookmarking sites, or to send your post link via email, AIM, Facebook, MySpace and more.
65. Gregarious – Social bookmarking plugin that integrates the new Digg API and Alex King’s Share This plugin, as well as the Reddit button and Feedburner’s Feedflare into one powerful, easy to use package. The AJAX interface makes customization a breeze, and the options put you in control. Gregarious works on a module based system, which means that it can have as many or as little features as you like.
66. Digg This – Plugin that detects incoming links from to your WordPress post and automatically display a link back to the digg post, for people to digg your story.When a digg is first recognized an email is sent to the site’s admin. The detection is based on the referrer URL, which has to come from digg.In case there is more than one digg posts to your page, only the first one will be displayed.
67. Add To Any – Helps readers share, save, and bookmark your posts and pages using any service, such as Delicious, Digg, Facebook, MySpace, and all the rest. The button comes with Add to Any’s customizable Smart Menu, which places the services visitors use at the top of the menu, based on each visitor’s browsing history.
Video Related Plugins
68. Viper’s Video Quicktags – Tired of copying and pasting the embed HTML from sites like YouTube? Then this plugin is for you.
69. Smart YouTube – WordPress Youtube Plugin that allows you to easily insert Youtube videos in your post, comments and in RSS feed. The main purpose of the plugin is to correctly embed Youtube videos into your blog post. The video will be shown in full in your RSS feed as well.
Audio Related Plugins
70. Audio Player – Provides you with a simple way of inserting a stylish Flash mp3 player on your WordPress posts and pages.
71. podPress – Plugin adds tons of features designed to make WordPress the ideal platform for hosting a podcast. Check out those features, really useful for handling podcasts, audio files, preview image for videos, automatic media player for ton of audio formats and much more.
72. Last.Fm Records – This plugin shows cd covers on your WordPress weblog. It connects to and grabs the list of cds you listened to recently and tries to find the cover images at To speed things up, it only fetches these data once a day and keeps a local copy for the rest of the day.
Twitter Plugins
73. Twitter tools – This plugin creates an integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. Pull your tweets into your blog and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress.
74. Tweet This – A plugin that adds a Twitter icon to every post and page, so your readers can share your blog entries on their Twitter accounts with ease. Shortens URLs in advance.
75. The Twitter Updater – Automatically sends a Twitter status update to your Twitter account when you create, publish, or edit your WordPress post. You can specify the text for the updates, and also have the option to turn the auto update on/off for the different post actions in the admin panel.
76. @ Reply – This plugin allows you to add Twitter-like @reply links to comments. When clicked, those links insert the author name and a link to the comment you are replying to in the text area. This is not twitter plugin – but I know that only people who use Twitter, will find this useful.
For some reasons, I couldn’t post the whole article, it just disappeared and I couldn’t solve it, so I just splitted my article in two parts. Here is Second Part of 130 WordPress Plugins You Could Ever need!
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