Android Installation in Eclipse

Here is an Android App. that helps the user to change the ringing profile from SILENT to NORMAL and vice-versa in just a simple touch on the phone. No need to go to the setting and change the ringtone style over and over again when in office,college etc.

I assume that you have already installed Eclipse in your PC. Then after this you need to download the Android SDK. The download contains a zip file which you can extract to any place in your file system, e.g. I placed it under "c:\android-sdk-windows" .

Use the Eclipse update manager to install all available plugins for the Android Development Tools (ADT) from the URL .

In Eclipse open the Preferences dialog via Windows -> Preferences. Select Android and maintain the installation path of the Android SDK.

Select now Window -> Android SDK and AVD Manager from the menu.

Select available packages and select the latest version of the SDK.  

 Press "Install selected" and confirm the license for all package. After the installation restart Eclipse.

The Android tools include an emulator. This emulator behaves like a real Android device in most cases and allow you to test your application without having a real device. You can emulate one or several devices with different configurations. Each configuration is defined via an "Android Virtual Device" (AVD).

To define an AVD press the device manager button, press "New" and maintain the following.

Press "Create AVD".This will create the device. To test if you setup is correct, eelect your device and press "Start". 

After (a long time) your device should be started.
